SBDC Questions and Answers
Does my company qualify as a “technology company” for TFG?
Answered 4 years ago
To qualify as technology company, company revenues must be derived primarily by the technological innovation.
More specifically, TFG defines a ”technology company” as a business that:
Depends on technology to drive the business model
Possesses intellectual property, including patents that provides a defensible competitive advantage in the marketplace
Possesses high potential for growth — funding, jobs, revenue
Has developed an innovative product service, or process based on proprietary research and development OR
Has a product that uses a novel combination of existing technologies TFG supports companies in the following technology areas. This is partial list.
Hardware – computers, mobile devices, biotechnology, telecom, energy, green/clean tech
Software – applications, embedded software, SaaS, Internet sites/services, or cloud-based solutions
Technology-driven innovation where technology is not the product – process enhancement
Novel combinations of existing technology