Gisel Martin

Program Manager

About Me:

Gisel Martin brings years of experience in entrepreneurship, higher education, and nonprofit management. She holds a BA in International Business from San Diego State University and an MA in International and Multicultural Education from the University of San Francisco.

With over six years of defining brands and creating marketing strategies, Gisel has worked with entrepreneurs to develop business plans, write grants, and launch businesses. Her personal mission is to build wealth one fearful action at a time while showing others how to thrive with multiple income streams. She’s an SF Peninsula native who loves researching, doing puzzles, cooking new things, and creating colorful spreadsheets. You can find her trying out a new local restaurant or cheering her kids at their sports events.


Gisel Martin aporta años de experiencia como dueña de negocio, educación superior e impacto social. Posee una licenciatura en Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad Estatal de San Diego y una maestría en Educación Internacional y Multicultural de la Universidad de San Francisco.

Con más de seis años ayudando a emprendedores a definir sus marcas, crear estrategias de marketing y lanzar negocios, Gisel se ha dedicado a construir prosperidad financiera con valentía. Originaria de la península de San Francisco, le encanta investigar, resolver rompecabezas, probar nuevas recetas y crear hojas de cálculo coloridas. Siempre puedes encontrarla explorando un restaurante local nuevo o animando a sus hijos en sus eventos deportivos.

I also speak: Spanish